Harrison Planning Board Via Zoom Tues. Feb. 21, 2023 at 5:45 p.m.
Feb 21, 2023
The Harrison Planning Board will be meeting on Tuesday, February 21, 2023, at 5:45 p.m. via Zoom which is unusual for the Harrison Planning Board because they were the only town board that did not utilize Zoom instead opting for In-Person meetings.
The Harrison Planning Board is taking up two Ordinances that the Mayor & Council reviewed and approved on the first reading last Friday, February 17, 2023, at High Noon. The Regular Mayor & Council meeting for tomorrow Wednesday, February 22, 2023, has been canceled.
The following items are on the Agenda for review:
Review of Ordinance #1479 amending Chapter 17 entitled "Land Use Development Ordinance" of the Code of the Town of Harrison to update the Waiver of Site Plan process and requirements
Review of Ordinance #1480 amending Chapter 17, Article VI, entitled "Fees, Deposits and Inspections" of the Code of the Town of Harrison to update the Fee Schedule for Land Use Applications and Escrow Deposits.
The first Ordinance states in it body of the proposed Ordinance that an applicant can submit a “Waiver of Site Plan Approval” to the Harrison Building Official. There has been a “Waiver of Site Plan Approval” in existence already but according to the text of the Ordinance “there is a desire to update the process and requirements for a waiver of site plan approval in order to clarify the requirements and provide further direction to applicants and Town officials and professionals.”
Anyone who wants more details is welcome to ask questions about the Ordinance and what are the changes being made to the former Ordinance allowing for Waiver of a Site Plan.
The second Ordinance will increase the fees and deposits for Land Use Applications and Escrow Deposits. So if you are building a new home or improving an existing home, your costs will go up.
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