Agendas Missing for Town Meetings / 2023 Town Budget Online
May 15, 2023
During the week of May 15, 2023, the Town of Harrison is set to host three important meetings in three consecutive days. But there is a problem. There are no Agendas published on the Town of Harrison website for any of the meetings as of Monday, May 15, 2023 midday.
On Monday, March 15, 2023, the Planning Board meeting is scheduled to start at 4:45 p.m. But without an Agenda, the residents of Harrison were left in the dark about what application(s) or issues will be discussed at the meeting. The Town of Harrison website does not have an Agenda nor does it have a notification that the Planning Board meeting is canceled. The same holds for the Mayor & Council meeting and the Harrison Zoning Meeting.
On Tuesday, March 16, 2023, the Mayor & Council meeting is scheduled to start at 6:15 p.m. in person. Once again, the residents were left without any information about the Agenda. The Tuesday meeting is supposed to be the meeting where the 2023 Town Budget is discussed. The 2023 Town Budget is posted online including a User Friendly Version of the Budget. The 2023 Budget Presentation Slides are not yet online.
On Wednesday, March 17, 2023, the Harrison Zoning Meeting is scheduled to start at 6:30 p.m. This time, the meeting will be held via Zoom. There is still no Agenda published on the Town of Harrison website.
The lack of transparency and communication from the Town of Harrison is a concern for some residents. At least one resident voiced her opinion and concern on the Your Harrison Community Discussion Board about the Town meeting hoping that the Mayor & Council meeting isn’t canceled as she has some questions she wants to ask.
The Harrison Planning Board meeting and the Harrison Mayor & Council meeting are held in person at the Town of Harrison Town Hall located at 318 Harrison Avenue, Harrison NJ. The meetings are attended by only a handful of residents. The Zoning Board meeting is held via Zoom which was the way during the Covid-19 pandemic that the Harrison Planning Board and the Mayor & Council meetings were also held. Zoom enables more residents the opportunity to attend town meetings.
The lack of Agendas for the three meetings creates an appearance of impropriety and lack of transparency. In addition without a Zoom option to attend the Planning Board and the Mayor & Council meetings, community residents are left feeling disconnected from the local government and the Town of Harrison administration and board members miss an opportunity to engage with its residents and hear their opinions and concerns.
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