Visitation & Mass for Harrison Firefighter Vincent J. Doffont Jr. will be at Holy Cross Church
Mar 22, 2022Funeral Arrangements have been made for Harrison Firefighter Vincent Doffont, a five-year veteran of the Harrison Fire Department, who passed suddenly at the Fire Station over this weekend. The Funeral Arrangements are as follows:
The Funeral will be conducted from Holy Cross Church 16 Church Square, Harrison NJ 07029 on Saturday, March 26, 2022. A funeral Mass will be celebrated at 11 am. His Visitation will take place at Holy Cross Church on Friday from 3 pm to 8 pm and Saturday morning after 10 am. His Burial will follow in Holy Cross Cemetery, North Arlington. Funeral Services are under the direction of Mulligan Funeral Home, 331 Cleveland Avenue, Harrison, NJ 07029.
Harrison Firefighter Vincent Doffont
Photo Credit: Harrison Fire Department Facebook Page
Please read Vicente's Obituary at the Mulligan Funeral Home's website.
Please read the tribute article from Jim Hague of the Observer Newspaper starting on the bottom of the Front Page.