Harrison Fire Department On Forefront of Fire Equipment
May 05, 2022
Delivered in December of 2018, the Harrison Fire Department’s newest addition to its Firefighting tools, is a Pierce-Arrow 107 foot Tiller Ladder Fire Engine Truck. The purchase order was signed in October of 2017 by then-Councilman Anselmo Millan as the Harrison Fire Department Chairman who along with Public Safety Director Harold Stahl lobbied Mayor James Fife and the Town Council to purchase the ladder truck. In 2017, the Town of Harrison had a 1991 Simon Duplex Aerial Ladder Truck that now serves as a spare ladder truck for the Department.
Harrison Fire Department Pierce Arrow XT 107' Ascendant Tiller Ladder
October of 2017. Councilman Anselmo Millan (center) signing Voucher for purchase of Harrison Fire Department Pierce Tiller Ladder Truck as Director of Public Safety Harol Stahl (left side) witnesses just outside Councilman Millan's Town Office in the Harrison Senior Center.
The Harrison Fire Department has always been at the forefront of purchasing the state of the art fire equipment. Pre 1920, the Harrison Fire Department already had an aerial fire truck. It was one of the first Fire Departments to purchase a motorized fire truck to replace a horse-drawn fire truck. Industry in Town demanded that there be investments made in fire protection. During World War I and II, the Town of Harrison played a crucial role in providing armaments for the troops fighting in Europe and in the Pacific. Companies in Harrison worked around the clock and there were increased calls made to the Harrison Fire Department due to the around-the-clock work. The tradition continued even when the industry moved to other states and overseas.
Harrison Fire Department Ladder Truck 1934
Harrison’s first Fire Department was a Volunteer Company called the Swift Engine Company. In 1886, the volunteer Fire Chief Thomas Coburn was designated by the Mayor & Council to organize what was to become Harrison’s first paid Fire Department. In 1879, Harrison purchased its first steam pumper at a cost of $2500 which is the equivalent of $54,867 today. The Harrison Fire Department is celebrating its 144 Anniversary this year.
Harrison Fire Department Headquarters on Sussex Street
In August of 2021, the Harrison Fire Department ordered a Pierce Enforcer Pumper to replace an existing pumper. It will be housed at the Harrison Fire Department Headquarters located at 634 Sussex Street, Harrison NJ. Harrison used to have two firehouses. The second firehouse was on Cleveland Avenue in the buildings behind the Harrison Town Hall currently being used by the Harrison Police Department and the Ambulance Service currently operated by the St. Clare Hospital’s EMT Ambulance Service. The Harrison Fire Department EMTs used to operate the Emergency Ambulance Service but now only provide backup service to the St. Clare Ambulance Service.
HFD's Cleveland Avenue Fire Station in 1971.
Below is a video that explains the features of the Pierce-Arrow XT 107' Ascendant Tiller Ladder Truck put together by the West DesMoines Iowa Fire Department. It is similar to the features in the Harrison ladder truck.