Harrison High Senior Scholarship 5K Run Sunday May 22th
Apr 29, 2022
Harrison High School Parents Teachers Students Organization (PTSO) is holding a 5K Run/Walk Scholarship fundraiser on Sunday, May 22, 2022, starting at 9 a.m. in front of the Red Bulls Stadium in Harrison.
The 5K will go from the Peter Higgins Blvd in front of Red Bulls Stadium on Riverbend Drive, then turn right on North Frank E. Rodgers Blvd, then right onto Sussex Street, then a left onto South 7th Street, then a right onto Harrison Avenue, then a left onto Schuyler Avenue, then a Left onto Hamilton Street, then a Left onto Frank E. Rodgers Blvd, then left onto Riverbend Drive. to its starting point on Peter Higgins Blvd. in front of the Red Bulls Stadium.
The Registration fee is $25.00. Donations will also be accepted and both will go towards graduating Harrison High School Students who have been accepted at the following schools; Seton Hall University, Rutgers University, Saint Peter’s University, NJIT, Montclair University, Pace University, Penn State University, John Hopkins University, and Drew University.
All Runners will receive a Dri-Fit Custom Race Shirt courtesy of the 5K Run Sponsors. The races will be timed and a timed result provided. Bibs will be available the day before the Race and starting at 7 a.m. until 8:45 am. on the day of the race.
Runners and Walkers must be lined up by 8:50 a.m. to be ready for the 9:00 a.m. start.
This is a USATF-certified and sanctioned 5K race. All are welcome. Runners, masters, first-timers, elites, and families. Those who have run the race in the past have noted that it is a fast race but participants will have at least an hour and a half to complete the race.
To more information and to register please follow this link to the official information and registration page.