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Harrison Mayor & Council Meeting Confirmed for July 16, 2024 @6:15 pm

Jul 16, 2024
EPA Toxic Sludge Harrison NJ

The Town of Harrison Mayor & Council will convene for a pivotal meeting on Tuesday, July 16, 2024, at 6:15 p.m. The meeting will take place at the Harrison Town Hall, located at 318 Harrison Avenue, Harrison. Residents and interested parties are encouraged to attend as significant matters impacting the community will be discussed. The meeting is currently scheduled for the smaller Third Floor Conference Room but it may be moved to the larger Mayor & Council chambers (traditionally used for meetings prior to the current administration) which is larger both in size and ceiling height located on the 2nd Floor of Harrison Town Hall.

Meeting Agenda

The agenda for the upcoming meeting includes a range of topics crucial to the town's governance and development. The key points of discussion are:

Caucus Session (6:15 PM - Caucus Room — 3rd Floor)

  • Call to Order/Sunshine Notice
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Roll Call

General Meeting (6:30 PM)

  • Call to Order/Sunshine Notice
  • Pledge of Allegiance (2nd Allegiance)
  • Roll Call
  • Approval of Minutes: Review and approval of minutes from the meetings held on June 18, 2024, and July 1, 2024.

Department Reports and Resolutions

Fire Department:

  • Resolution to Hire Firefighters for the Harrison Fire Department
    • Appointing Luciano Tafuri and Miguel Cosme as firefighters, pending pre-employment processing.


  • Resolution Awarding a Contract for Davis Avenue Median Improvements
    • Awarding an additional contract to AA Berms LLC for $507,615.


  • Resolution to Approve Laundromat Licenses
    • Approving renewal for DaSilva Laundromat at 745 Harrison Ave.
  • Resolution to Approve ABC License Renewals for the 2024-2025 License Term
    • Renewing alcohol license, including Kaelyn's Lounge.


  • Ordinance No. 1512
    • Amending employment contract and salary increases for Chief of Police David Strumolo.
  • Ordinance No. 1513
    • Amending civil service employee regulations.
  • Ordinance No. 1514
    • Amending the Property Maintenance Code to include lead-based paint hazard inspection requirements.


  • Resolution for Budget Adjustments
    • Authorizing insertion of items of revenue and appropriations in the 2024 municipal budget.
  • Resolution for Tax Appeal Settlements
    • Settling tax appeals for properties at 105 Harrison Ave and 301-305 Harrison Ave.
  • Resolution for Hudson County Board of Taxation Judgment
    • Implementing a judgment to adjust property assessment for 410 Hamilton Street.
  • Resolution for Interlocal Agreement with Harrison Redevelopment Agency
    • Approving an agreement for parking services.
  • Resolution for Payment of Bills and Payrolls
    • Authorizing payment of town bills and payrolls.

Public Comment

Residents are invited to voice their concerns, suggestions, and feedback to the council.

Controversy Over EPA's Toxic Sludge Dewatering Plant

In addition to the scheduled agenda, a significant controversy has come to light involving Mayor James Fife and Councilman James Doran, who is also the Director of Personnel for Harrison Public Schools and a Commissioner of the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission (PVSC). For over two years, Mayor Fife and Councilman Doran have allegedly concealed critical information from the public regarding the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) plans to use the PSE&G property between the PATH Station and the Jackson Street Bridge for a toxic sludge dewatering plant.

Allegations of Concealment, Misinformation & Lies

The EPA's plan involves dumping dioxin-laden sludge and debris from the Passaic River onto the PSE&G property. Despite the severe environmental and health implications, Mayor Fife and Councilman Doran have withheld this information from the residents. They even went so far as to send almost two years ago misleading communications to residents living near the proposed site, falsely claiming that Councilman and Mayoral Candidate Anselmo Millan and local attorney John M. Pinho were spreading lies about the EPA’s intentions. Millan and Pinho were stating the truth.  It was Doran and Fife who were lying.


These allegations stem from a clear statement made by Mayor Fife at an August 29, 2022 (almost two years ago) meeting of the Harrison Redevelopment Agency. During this meeting, Mayor Fife explicitly mentioned the EPA’s plan to use the PSE&G property for dumping dredged material, commonly referred to as toxic sludge. This revelation contradicts the information provided to the public and raises serious concerns about transparency and accountability within the town's leadership. James Doran lied to the residents of Harrison in a letter and flyer distributed via email to residents of Harrison who resided closest to the proposed EPA’s Harrison Toxic Sludge Plant at PSE&G.

Call to Action

Residents are urged to attend the July 16 meeting to stay informed about these critical issues and to voice their concerns during the public comments section. The community’s active participation is vital in holding town officials accountable and ensuring that decisions are made in the best interest of Harrison’s residents and stakeholders.

Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story and other news impacting the Town of Harrison.

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