Harrison Mayor & Council Meet Wed. Sept. 6, 2023: What You Need to Know
Sep 06, 2023
The Town of Harrison, New Jersey, will be holding its Mayor and Council meeting on Wednesday, September 6, 2023. The meeting is scheduled to start at 6:15 p.m. and will take place at the Harrison Town Hall, located at 318 Harrison Avenue, Harrison NJ. The initial part of the meeting will be held on the third floor of the Town Hall, just outside the mayor's office in a conference room. In keeping with tradition, the meeting is expected to move downstairs for the convenience of the public and to adhere to Covid-19 safety measures.
Agenda Overview
Caucus (Caucus Room — 3rd Floor)
- 6:15 P.M. - Call to Order/Sunshine Notice
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Roll Call
- 6:30 PM - Call to Order/Sunshine Notice
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Roll Call
- Approval of the Minutes of 08-01-2023 & 08-07-2023
- A resolution authorizing the purchase of playground equipment for the Raymond J. McDonough Riverside Park.
- A resolution awarding a contract to Caravella Demolition, Inc. for the demolition of a multi-family building at 315-319 Cleveland Avenue, Block 18, Lot 36.
- A resolution to authorize an agreement with the Harrison Civil Service Employees Association. The Agreement is referred to but not included for review with the Agenda
- A resolution to approve ABC license renewals for the 2023-2024 license term.
- Adoption of Ordinance No. 1491: An ordinance to prevent stored salt and other solid de-icing materials from being exposed to stormwater, amending Title 13, Chapter 13-08 of the Town of Harrison Municipal Code.
- A resolution recognizing October as National Arts and Humanities Month.
- A resolution authorizing per N.J.S.A. 40A:4-87 insertion of items of revenue and offsetting appropriations in the 2023 municipal budget — 2023 Hudson County Open Space Trust.
- A resolution authorizing per N.J.S.A. 40A:4-87 insertion of items of revenue and offsetting appropriations in the 2023 municipal budget - Various Grants.
- A resolution to review the annual report of audit. The Annual Report of the Auditor is however not provided as part of the Agenda on the Town of Harrison website.
- A resolution accepting the "Corrective Action Plan" submitted by the Chief Financial Officer. It is not clear what is contained in the Corrective Action Plan.
- A resolution authorizing redemption of outside lien Block 9, Lot P0070.01, Lot 1.01 Qualifier CO263.
- A resolution authorizing and approving the tax appeal settlement of Ali F. Alemi, Block 30, Lot 10. Reducing the assessment on the building on Hamilton Street in Harrison NJ.
- A resolution for payment of bills and payrolls.
Public Comment
A segment for public comment will be included, allowing residents to voice their concerns or ask questions. Each person can ask questions on any topic including items on and off the agenda. Have your questions written out and wait for an answer. You can also make a comment about something that is of concern or that you would like to be addressed by the Mayor and Counci.
The Mayor and Council meeting is an essential platform for residents to understand the workings of their local government and to participate in decision-making. The meeting's agenda covers a wide range of topics, from legal and financial resolutions to public works and community welfare. Your Harrison encourages all residents to attend the meeting, either in person or through any available online platforms (when available) such as Zoom, to stay informed and engaged in their community. Our Democracy and our community's future depends upon residents participating in our local government.
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