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Harrison Public Works Begins Fire Hydrant Flushing Mon. Sept. 16, 2024

Sep 11, 2024
Harrison Fire Hydrant Flushing

The Town of Harrison Public Works Department has announced that it will begin flushing fire hydrants starting the week of September 16, 2024, through October 25, 2024. The flushing will take place during late-night hours, between 9 p.m. and 1 a.m., over six weeks. This maintenance is essential for ensuring high-quality water for residents and maintaining the functionality of the town’s water infrastructure.

Purpose of Hydrant Flushing

Flushing fire hydrants is a standard practice in many municipalities across New Jersey. This process helps to remove accumulated minerals, such as iron and manganese, from the water mains. Over time, these minerals can settle in the distribution system and affect water quality. By flushing the hydrants, the Harrison Water Department ensures that the water lines remain clean and that any sediment buildup is cleared away. This not only maintains the integrity of the water distribution system but also helps ensure that the water reaching residents’ homes is of the highest quality.

Additionally, the flushing program serves another important purpose—ensuring that fire hydrants are functioning properly. Hydrants play a critical role in fire protection, and routine testing and flushing help confirm that they are fully operational and capable of providing adequate water pressure during emergencies.

Impact on Water Pressure and Quality

Residents may notice temporary disruptions in their water service during the flushing hours. Low water pressure and discoloration of the water are common side effects during the flushing process. While the water may appear cloudy or rusty due to stirred-up sediments, it remains safe to drink. However, the Water Department recommends that residents avoid using tap water between 9 p.m. and 1 a.m. unless absolutely necessary.

If discoloration occurs, running the cold water tap for a few minutes after the 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. period typically clears the issue. It is also advised to avoid using the water for laundry during the flushing hours, as discolored water could potentially stain clothing.

Why Municipalities Flush Water Systems

Municipalities like Harrison perform routine hydrant flushing to uphold water quality standards and maintain the health of the water system. In addition to clearing out sediment, flushing helps to:

  1. Prevent Corrosion: By removing minerals from the pipes, flushing reduces the risk of corrosion, which can damage water infrastructure over time.
  2. Ensure Consistent Water Pressure: Regular flushing helps maintain steady water pressure across the system.
  3. Safeguard Public Health: Flushing ensures that the water remains clean and safe for consumption by preventing the accumulation of harmful contaminants.
  4. Prepare for Emergencies: By ensuring hydrants are fully functional, the town is better prepared for fire emergencies, ensuring public safety.

Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding the hydrant flushing, residents are encouraged to contact the Harrison Public Works Department at 973-268-2468. The Public Works Department thanks residents for their understanding and cooperation during this necessary maintenance period.

This proactive maintenance effort highlights the town’s commitment to providing safe, clean water to all residents and ensuring that its water infrastructure remains in optimal condition for years to come.

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