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Harrison Redevelopment Agency Special Meeting Fri. Oct 4 '24 Via Zoom

Oct 03, 2024
Urby Harrison NJ

The Harrison Redevelopment Agency (HRA) will convene a Special Meeting on Friday, October 4, 2024, at 9 a.m. via Zoom with Meeting Id 897 9350 3228 Passcode 785160. A key item on the agenda is the reconsideration of a request by H Capital Holdings LLC to assume the amended and restated redevelopment agreement currently held by entities owned by Joseph Supor for properties located north of Guyon Drive. The meeting will also include approving the minutes from the agency's last meeting on September 23, 2024. Additional info on Zoom access at the end of the article.

H Capital Holdings LLC is actively seeking to purchase the Supor Properties, which have long been a focal point of redevelopment discussions in Harrison. During the HRA’s last meeting, the Commissioners entered a closed session to discuss the application from H Capital Holdings LLC but did not take any formal action. However, recent developments suggest that discussions have continued behind the scenes, leading to a reconsideration of the request at this upcoming meeting.

Ties to Eastone Equities and History of Extensions

One aspect raising eyebrows is H Capital Holdings LLC’s connection to H Equities LLC, which has known ties to Eastone Equities, a current designated developer in Harrison. Eastone Equities has been granted multiple extensions by the HRA for its ongoing projects, raising concerns about potential delays if H Capital Holdings were to assume the Supor Properties redevelopment agreement.

At the HRA's September 16 meeting, Attorney Michael A. Ochs, representing H Capital Holdings LLC, participated alongside Matt Higgins of H Equities LLC and representatives from Eastone Equities. The HRA Commissioners once again entered into an Executive Session to discuss the amended and restated agreement, but ultimately deferred action on the matter.

This connection between H Capital Holdings and Eastone Equities raises questions about the potential for further delays in redevelopment. Eastone Equities has received several deadline extensions for its project at 600 South Frank E. Rodgers Boulevard. In October 2023, the HRA extended key project deadlines into 2028, despite earlier statements from Mayor James Fife, who is also the long-time HRA Chairman, that no further extensions would be granted.

Key extensions for Eastone’s project include:

  • Phase II Buildings B and C: Construction commencement extended to June 1, 2025, with completion deadlines stretched into 2027-2028.
  • Building E: Extended deadlines to December 31, 2027, with a potential one-year extension to 2028.
  • Overall Project Term: The entire redevelopment timeline was extended to December 31, 2028.

Additionally, deadlines for key infrastructure projects such as paving Cifelli Drive and South Fifth Street were made more flexible, removing fixed deadlines altogether.

What’s Next for the Supor Properties?

The Supor family has long been a prominent member of the Harrison Community. While the details of H Capital Holdings LLC’s proposed terms remain undisclosed, the upcoming Special Meeting could provide more clarity on the future of the Supor Properties.

The Broader Context

The reconsideration of the Supor Properties redevelopment comes at a time when Harrison is facing other controversial redevelopment projects, such as the EPA's proposal to construct an open-air toxic dioxin sludge plant on the now decontaminated PSE&G property which is in the Harrison Redevelopment Zone. Mayor Fife’s support for the EPA’s plan has drawn sharp criticism from residents concerned about the health risks posed and the long-term presence of the facility in a rapidly growing residential area. The concern in addition to health is that an essential part of the Harrison Redevelopment Agency promise to the Harrison Community, A Green Space/ Park, Community Center, and Turn Around / Drop Off Area for vehicles will be delayed for 10 years and according to one EPA official possibly 15 to 20 years.  It has taken 26 years to get to today’s residential Harrison and going backward with an Open Air Toxic Sludge Plant and Debris from the contaminated river is treating the Town of Harrison as if it is still a contaminated community when it no longer is… It’s a vibrant residential community.

As the HRA prepares to deliberate on October 4, many Harrison residents and stakeholders will be hoping for increased transparency in the agency’s handling of these pivotal redevelopment decisions. The meeting will undoubtedly set the tone for how future projects in Harrison are managed and what the future holds for the Supor Properties and surrounding areas.

For those interested in attending the Special Meeting, the Zoom link is available through this link.  You can also use the Meeting ID: 897 9350 3228 and Password 785160 using the Zoom app on your computer or smartphone with Passcode 785160 or by calling into 646 876 9923 and entering when prompted the Passcode 785160.

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