Harrison’s Mayor & Council Meet on Tues. Mar. 7, 2023 6:15 p.m.
Mar 06, 2023
The Agenda for Harrison’s Mayor & Council meeting on Tuesday, March 7, 2023, contains Resolutions and Ordinances for passage. Although the Mayor & Council Agenda for the In-Person meeting was posted on the Town of Harrison website, the actual Ordinances and Resolutions were not provided as of Sunday, March 5, 2023 afternoon.. The Notice indicated that the meeting started at 6:15 p.m. with Caucus, which can be attended by the public, in the Conference Room outside the Mayor’s Office on the 3rd Floor of the Town Hall building. It was not clear whether the meeting would continue after the Caucus on the 2nd Floor as tradition dictates.
Community-Based Resolutions
A Resolution Authorizing the 2023 United Irish West Hudson St. Patrick’s Day Parade on March 12, 2023
A Resolution Recognizing May As Lupus Awareness Month
Resolutions & Ordinances Dealing With Finances
A Resolution Authorizing The Award of a Non-Fair and Open Contract to Suburban Consulting Engineers, LLC.
For Adoption of An Ordinance To Allow the Town of Harrison to Exceed the Municipal Budget Appropriation Limits and to Establish a Cap Bank (NJSA 40A-4-45.14)
Ordinance (Capital) Appropriating $220,000 from Capital Improvement Fund for the Purchase of Heavy Duty Vehicles for DPW.
Ordinance to Increase the Salaries of Members of the Harrison Fire Department.
Tabled Ordinance
Ordinance Changing the Harrison Waterfront Redevelopment Plan to Reduce the Number of Parking Spaces Required of Developers to .5 Parking Spaces per Housing Unit.
Emergency Appropriations to the 2023 Municipal Budget
Resolution to Provide Emergency Appropriations to the 2023 Parking Utility Budget
Resolution to Provide Emergency Appropriations to the 2023 Water & Sewer Budget.
Other Resolutions & Ordinances
Ordinance to Change Requirements of Waiver of Site Plan to Town’s Land Development Ordinance.
Ordinance Increase Fees for Land Use Applications and Escrows.
Resolution Re-Appointing (unnamed Commissioners) to the Harrison Redevelopment Agency
Resolution for Video Cameras (Introduction only)
To read the Resolutions and proposed Ordinances in full you can follow this link.
There is both a time to address the Mayor & Council when an Ordinance is introduced and a Public session regarding the Ordinance is announced. In addition, there is an opportunity for the Public to speak during the Public Session of the meeting where questions can be asked and/or complaints, comments, and suggestions can be made. There is a 5-minute time period for each member of the public. The Mayor can extend the period for a member of the public to speak. Anyone can speak at the meeting. There is no residency requirement to speak.
See our prior article Wednesday Night: Ask the Mayor for detailed information on how to attend and the Public Session of the meeting if you want to learn more about the Mayor & Council Meeting process.
So what are your thoughts on the items on the Mayor & Council Meeting Agenda? Let Us Know Your Thoughts on our Community Discussion Board. If you have not signed up yet to participate you can Sign Up now.