NYBC Blood Drive in Harrison June 30th 2022
Jun 18, 2022
The New York Blood Center (NYBC) will be holding a blood drive in Harrison NJ on June 30, 2022, from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Harrison Community Center. The Harrison Community Center is located on the corner of South Frank E. Rodgers Blvd and Warren Street (401 Warren Street) in Harrison NJ.
Residents are encouraged to donate blood can click here for an appointment or you can show up on June 30th and if there are vacancies you can donate. However, making an appointment is highly recommended.
New York Blood Center
NYBC is one of the nation’s largest non-profit, community-based blood centers in the Metropolitan area. Founded in 1964, NYBC has been providing blood, transfusion products, and services to hospitals in New York City, Long Island, the Hudson Valley, New Jersey, and parts of Connecticut and Pennsylvania.
NYBC does a lot more than collect blood donations in the various communities it serves. NYBC has research institutes that are part of the organization. The first institution founded by NYBC was the Lindsley F. Kimball Research Institute.
Lindsley F. Kimball Research Institute
Since 1964, the Lindsley F. Kimball Research Institute (LFKRI) has been at the forefront of blood research and has been at the forefront of innovations related to blood disease research. Innovations brought forth by the LFKRI have saved the lives of individuals throughout the years. The research is funding by private donors, federal, state, and other institutions in related health fields.
National Cord Blood Program at the Howard P. Milstein National Cord Blood Center
Also part of NYBC is the National Cord Blood Program at the Howard P. Milstein National Cord Blood Center which was founded in 1992 by Dr. Pablo Rubinstein to use cord blood as an alternative transplant source for patients who have no matched bone marrow donors. More information about Howard P. Milstein and the National Cord Blood Program is online.
Here is a partial list of the work being done at the Howard P. Milstein National Cord Blood Center:
- National Cord Blood Program is the first and largest public cord blood bank in the world
- Serves a regional, national and international cord blood and stem cell collection, with processing and storage operations
- Has banked more than 60,000 cord blood units and provided 4,900 recipients with cord blood units for transplantation
- Provides cord blood units for research to scientists all over the world
- More than 80 different specific diseases have been treated to date with NCBP cord blood
- The Howard P. Milstein Cord Blood Center was instrumental in leading and advocating for the “Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Act of 2005,” which was signed into law by President Bush. This legislation authorized new federal funding to establish a public cord blood banking network and a national inventory of 150 thousand high-quality, ethnically diverse core blood units.
The NYBC is an impressive organization and we are happy that they chose Harrison as one of its donation locations. Take some time to click on the links above to read about the wonderful work done with the blood donated. We are glad that Harrison residents and neighboring communities will be doing their part in donating blood.
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