Primary Election Day 2022: Don't Forget to Vote Today
Jun 07, 2022
Primary Election Day is today Tuesday, June 7, 2022. In Harrison, NJ, Mayor James Fife and his Council Candidates are running unopposed this year. However, four years ago Mayor Fife had opposition from then 2nd Councilman Anselmo Millan and his slate of Council candidates. Councilman Millan came very close to winning the election four years ago in what the Chair of the Harrison Democratic Party Councilman James Doran stated "it's been a long campaign it has been a brutal campaign" acknowledging that Councilman Millan's Team made the election one requiring a lot of work on behalf of Mayor Fife and his council candidates.
Millan Continues Community Service
Anselmo Millan (2nd from left) with Volunteers standing in front of Turkey Dinner Shopping Bags containing a Turkey with all the fixings for Families on Thanksgiving Day.
Anselmo Millan, despite his loss, has been quietly performing community service on behalf of the Harrison community. Millan as President of the non-profit Harrison Fest Inc. conducted Turkey Meal drives giving out during Covid complete Thanksgiving meals including dessert from his driveway on Warren Street in Harrison with the assistance of volunteers. Millan wanted everyone to be safe and decided to give out the complete Turkey Meals in large reusable shopping bags. The event was a huge success with over 250 Turkey meals given out. Millan followed up with a Holiday Party in his driveway where over 500 children received age-appropriate gifts from Santa Claus also in the driveway masks were required and provided to anyone without one by Harrison Fest volunteers. More information is available on the Harrison Fest organization website.
What do you think about the current state of Harrison? Are you happy with the way things are going? Let us know by signing up for Free to our Discussion Board and leaving a comment.
Polls are open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Despite no opposition in the Democratic Primary, you should go out to vote so you become familiar with the voting process and also demonstrate to your elected officials that you are interested in your community and that you will take the time to exercise your constitutional right to vote. Many persons have died in the fight to have the right to vote. If you vote, your complaint will be considered. If you don’t vote, your complaint will be ignored. In Harrison, the latter statements are very true. If you are not registered to vote in Harrison, you can register now for future elections.