Project: Harrison Restaurants and Grocery Stores
Jun 21, 2022
YourHarrison would like to list every business in Harrison NJ on our website. We have started with Restaurants and Grocery Stores in the Town of Harrison.
We have created a Restaurant page and a Grocery Store page which contains the name, address, phone number, and link to an online menu (for restaurants) and a link to a website (for Grocery stores). We currently have 31 Restaurants listed and 12 Grocery Stores. We ask that you look through the Restaurant page and the Grocery Store page and see if we are missing your favorite restaurant or grocery store. If we are, please complete a Submit a Restaurant form or a Submit a Grocery Store form to us.
To Thank those who submit a new Restaurant or Grocery Store that is not already listed each valid submission will have a chance to win a $50.00 Gift Certificate to their favorite restaurant in town. If a Gift Certificate is not available, Your Harrison will provide a $50 Visa Giftcard. The contest will run through July 4, 2022. The $50 Prize winner will drawn on July 5th and announced on
So take a look at the Local Restaurants and Local Grocery Store pages and see what Restaurants or Grocery Stores we are missing from our business listing.
To qualify, the person submitting the business must complete the basic information requested by the Submit your Restaurant or Grocery Store page.
Links to the pages mentioned appear in Blue. Click on the blue link to access the appropriate submission page(s).
Thank you in advance for your submissions.