TBT: Over 2K Harrison Residents Petition Governor Murphy to Close Landfill
May 12, 2022
Yesterday May 11, 2022 marked three years since former Councilman Anselmo Millan and three volunteers, Anthony Rios, Monica Miguens and Nick Azevedo delivered a Petition containing over 2000 signature from Harrison NJ residents to Governor Phil Murphy at his office in Trenton.
The Petition stated: “We the undersigned Petition Governor Phil Murphy to close the Keegan Landfill located in Kearny NJ on behalf of the Residents of Harrison, Kearny and neighboring towns. The air testing conducted by the Town of Kearny confirms that the New Jersey Sports & Exposition Authority (NJSEA) lied about the levels of toxins being released into the air by the Keegan Landfill and the NJSEA Board of Commissioners refused at their March and April 2019 meeting the request of residents to close the landfill or place toxic fumes collection and cleaning system in place. Governor Murphy, we need your help to eliminate the toxins in our neighborhood caused by the Keegan Landfill.”
Former Councilman Anselmo Millan & Volunteers in Trenton NJ Governor's Office
Former Councilman Millan stated “It is very important that the Governor know that the Keegan Landfill although located in Kearny is affecting neighboring towns including Harrison. Student Anthony Rios participation in obtaining signatures on the Petition shows that the next generation understands the importance of fixing the Keegan Landfill and how Petitioning the Governor is part of the process to make sure that happens. I thank the three volunteers who assisted me in gathering signatures.”
Anthony Rios, Fmr. Councilman Anselmo MIllan, Nick Azevedo at Governor's Office May 11, 2019
The Keegan Landfill was closed by Court Order of Chancery Judge Jeffrey Jablonski and the closure was ultimately upheld by an unanimous Order of the New Jersey Supreme Court. A huge victory for the West Hudson Community including Harrison. Harrison Mayor James Fife only urged the owners of Keegan, the New Jersey Sports & Exhibition Authority (NJSEA), to partially close the landfill which would do nothing to stop the toxic hydrogen sulfide gas (H2S) escaping the landfill. The NJDEP approved a capping of the entire landfill and the installation of a gas collection system that captures the H2S and burns it to avoid the H2S gas from going into the surrounding community. A partial capping would have not remedied the toxic gas from entering Harrison. Mayor Fife did not want to offend the NJSEA Commissioners who are a quasi-State Agency. The NJSEA Commissioners were accused by residents of trading the communities health for tipping fee in the amount of 17 million dollars per year. For those interested there is additional information on the CloseKeegan.com website.
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