V-E Day: Harrison's World War II Monument Honors Supreme Sacrifice
May 11, 2022
Sunday, May 8, 2022, was Victory in Europe Day also known as V-E Day. On May 8, 1945, celebrations throughout the world occurred at the news that Germany had surrendered and that Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Third Reich had been defeated to end World War II at least in Europe. There was also on the next day a surrender signing conducted in Berlin to Russian President Josef Stalin. The Russians celebrate the victory over Adolph Hitler and the Nazi’s Third Reich on May 9th because of that second surrender signing.
The Town of Harrison dedicated a World War II Monument next to Library Park in Harrison’s Veterans Plaza. The Monument joins one honoring those who made the supreme sacrifice on behalf of the United States of America and who served in World War I. On the 77th Anniversary of Victory in Europe, we take a moment to remember the sacrifices made during World War II including those Harrison residents that gave the supreme sacrifice.
The Harrison World War II monument states the following:
In Honor
of Those Who Made
The Supreme Sacrifice
World War II
Raymond J. Abramowicz
Thomas E. Beers
William R. Bergmann
Anthony S. Bilotti
Fred G. Bisco
Micahel F. Canning
James P. Casey
Vincent P. Cerullo
Edward A. Ciszkowski
James J. Cushing
Andrew Dobosh
Lawrence Dombrowski
John J. Doran
Joseph A. Dunaj
Augustus R. Feeley
William J. Flatley
James W. Gaffney
Aaron L. Gelzer
John M. Gibson
Konstantine S. Gorski
Russel F. A. Griggs
John J. Herrion
Adam S. Hociej
John Hudock
Edward A. Kaczynski
Geroge T. Koopman
Joseph J. Kowalczyk
Stranley P. Kropiewnicki
Francis J. Liebhauser
Henry S. Longo
Emil Martone
Thomas McAveney
Joseph W. McFadden
John F. McGrath
Donald F. McIntosh
Joseph E. McNamara
William G. Meeker
John M. Mikos
Thomas J. Muir
Francis J. Murphy
Stranley Olawski
Robert C. Pidcock
Louis E. Postel, Jr.
Frank Quinn
John L. Ronches
Joseph F. Rovinski
Eugene H. Ryan
Edward W. Schaler
James E. Schwalbach
James K. Seramba
Edward J. Smiecinski
Richard N. Smith
George W. Sorber
Frank C. Stypulkowski
Andrew Joseph Teipelke
John J. Tortorello
Calvin A. Tulai
Stephen Tulai
Andrew J. Was, Jr.
Andrew Welsh
Joh A. Wojciechowicz
Edward J. Zbyszewski
Joseph F. Zielinski
In total there were sixty-three Harrison residents who died serving the United States of America in military actions during World War II. Additions were made to the Monument to list those who made the Supreme Sacrifice for the United States of America in the Vietnam War and the Korean War. A separate Monument honors veterans of World War I. On the face of the monument states “This Monument Is Erected in Honor of the Men and Women of Harrison Who Served in the Armed Forces of their county in 1941 World War II 1945; 1950 Korean War 1953; 1959 Vietnam War 1975; and is Dedicated in Loving Memory of Those Who Made The Supreme Sacrifice. Dedicated November 11, 1995.”
As children play in the adjacent kids' playgrounds, the Soccer “Courts”, and a Basketball court, the Monuments stand to remind us that the Freedom and Liberties we enjoy did not come without sacrifices made by citizens who volunteered or were drafted to fight on behalf of the United States of America.
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