News & Opinion

Harrison Redevelopment Agency Meeting Date Is Hard to Pin Down harrison nj harrison redevelopment harrison redevelopment agency soha Aug 26, 2022

The Harrison Redevelopment Agency has not met this month yet despite having scheduled two regular meetings and two special meetings.  The Regular Meeting scheduled for August 8, 2022, was canceled. That meeting was replaced with a special meeting for August 15, 2022.  The Special meeting ended up be...

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Harrison Redevelopment Meeting Now On Mon. Aug. 22, 2022 at 1 pm. green space green spaces harrison nj harrison redevelopment harrison redevelopment agency urby harrison nj Aug 20, 2022

The rescheduled Harrison Redevelopment Meeting will be held on Monday, August 22, 2022 at 1 p.m. There is no Agenda published as of Saturday, August 20, 2022.  The meeting will be held via Zoom video conferencing software. To attend the meeting log in before 1 p.m. using this Zoom link.  You can loa...

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Within 30 Minutes Harrison Mayor & Council Pass 15 Agenda Items cellular towers corrective action plan environment flooding harrison nj harrison redevelopment harrison redevelopment agency mayor & council ordinances play to pay law resolutions Aug 17, 2022

At the Mayor & Council meeting held on Tuesday, August 16, 2022, the Mayor & Council voted on and passed 15 resolutions in less than 30 minutes. Town of Harrison meetings are not know for taking too much time but this meeting had quite a number of important Ordinances and Resolutions so it was surpr...

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Wednesday's Harrison Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Cancelled harrison nj harrison redevelopment harrison redevelopment agency harrison zoning board mayor & council Aug 16, 2022

There were three Town of Harrison Meeting scheduled for this week.  In our article Three Town of Harrison Meetings Week of Aug. 15, 2022 , we reported that there was the Harrison Redevelopment Agency meeting on Monday, August 15, 2022 but that meeting was rescheduled to next Monday, August 22, 2022....

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Mayor Raymond J. McDonough’s Inaugural Address & Legacy harrison nj harrison redevelopment harrison redevelopment agency mayor & council mayor raymond mcdonough peter higgins iii raymond j. mcdonough Aug 15, 2022

In 1994 then Mayor Frank E. Rodgers after 24 consecutive terms of office, 48 years in office as Mayor retired he endorsed then Councilman Raymond J. McDonough as the next Mayor of Harrison. Mayor McDonough would serve from 1994 to February 12, 2014 a total of just under 20 years in office when he pa...

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Harrison Mayor & Council Meeting Tues. Aug. 16, 2022 corrective action plan environment flooding harrison nj harrison redevelopment harrison redevelopment agency mayor & council play to pay law town auditor town meeting Aug 13, 2022

The Harrison Redevelopment Meeting scheduled for Monday, August 15, 2022, was adjourned to the following Monday, August 22, 2022.  The reason for the adjournment was not stated.

The Mayor & Council meeting will be held as scheduled on Tuesday, August 16, 2022, starting at 6:30 pm. via Zoom. The Lin...

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Three Town of Harrison Meetings Week of Aug. 15, 2022 harrison nj harrison redevelopment harrison redevelopment agency harrison zoning board mayor & council town of harrison zoning board of adjustment zoom Aug 09, 2022

The Town of Harrison has three meeting the week of August  15, 2022.  The week starts off on Monday with the Harrison Redevelopment Meeting at 1 p.m. On Tuesday, the Mayor & Council have their meeting starting at 6:30 p.m. and on Wednesday, August 17, 2022, the Zoning Board of Adjustment has its mee...

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Harrison Missing 4 of 5 Redevelopment Promises boonton line green spaces harrison nj harrison path station harrison redevelopment harrison redevelopment agency jackson street bridge manhattan transfer station montclair booton line nj transit train path station path train playground stickel bridge william a. stickel Apr 25, 2022

The Harrison Redevelopment Agency does not want to discuss four of five promises made by the Agency at its inception in 1999. Personnel of the Harrison Redevelopment Agency no longer talk about four of the five promises made to residents and developers.  The four promises no longer discussed are in ...

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