News & Opinion
Released today (April 4, 2024), Música is a vibrant coming-of-age love story that has captivated audiences with its rich narrative and compelling visuals. Directed by Rudy Mancuso, who also stars in the film, Música weaves a tale of an aspiring creator battling with rhythmic...
In June 2022, the Harrison Fire Department announced and we covered the story in an article entitled Harrison Fire Department A Long Way From Newark Takeover the official promotion of four Captains, already serving unofficially in their positions, would occur on Wednesday, August 3, 2022. As...
In 2011, Fire Chief Tom Dolaghan retired from the Harrison Fire Department. Mayor Raymond J. McDonough recruited Harrison resident Harold Stahl to be an interim part-time Fire Director. Harold Stahl continues to this day as a part-time Fire Director and has added another responsibility...