News & Opinion

How Old Are Harrison’s Water Pipes? bottled water harrison water department lead in water passaic valley water commission pvwc water Apr 27, 2022

Before the 1800s water in Harrison was provided by private wells on your property or by carrying water from the Passaic River.  

In 1884, the Jersey City Water Company set up a reservoir in North Arlington where the present Riverview Gardens are located, and piped water from the Passaic River into ...

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Harrison: Don't Drink the Tap Water bottled water harrison water department lead in water passaic valley water commission pvwc water filter water quality Apr 07, 2022

The Passaic Valley Water Commission (PVWC) announced on its Facebook page that it had “Failed to Meet Water Quality Parameter[s] (WQP) levels”.  It has also posted a bulletin on its website written in very fine print that it consistently failed a corrosion control system last year from July 1, 2021,...

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